The fine pitch wire bonding of 18um wire can be realized.
Can use gold wire、alloy wire and copper wire for quantitative production.
The aluminum pad wire bonding center has a minimum distance of 60um.
The minimum bonding ball can be 50um.
The minimum thickness of aluminum is 0.6um.
Multiple chip package can be realized.
Realize system-level modular integration.
The combination of high density,high performance, high reliability and three-dimensional structure, including components, components, subsystems and systems.
To realize the integration of semiconductor device and whole machine system.
It saves the area of the board and provides the conditions for the realization of the large-scale control circuit.
Multi-layer chips can be superimposed.
Realize the integration of system level modules.
It can realize high density, high reliability, high performance and high capacity storage circuit system.
The function and application of unit volume are multiplied.
The minimum bonding ball can be 50um.